They’ve Been Responsible For Destroying Millions Of Lives. So Some Form Of Punishment Is Probably In Order.

But what are the most effective forms of punishment in my opinion? Break up the corrupt power structure and base by destroying their Monoply status in such a way that they can never attain Monoply status ever again.. Also, hit them with massive fines well into the tens of billions, they need to feel it. A hundred million dollar fine for example is nothing, they wont even miss it.

They need to experience the financial pain and anguish that they have caused millions of good, decent citizens, who were only trying to make an honest living but were destroyed for having moral, righteous, common-sense views, for the betterment of the country, which unfortunately didn’t line up with their insane, distorted, deranged views. In fact, those who were impacted should be compensated financially by these companies for all the financial pain they have suffered. Let them feel that same pain and anguish they have caused good, decent, American citizens, and reduce them to a status where they can never persecute or bully good decent American citizens ever again.

This is the only way to restrain and deal with these powerful, corrupt, diabolical, liberal, bureaucratic bullies. And if not you will have powerful, diabolical, corrupt, deranged, individuals with no morals, no conscience, no fear of God, or wisdom, who will only grow more powerful wielding levels of power that can’t be fought against or contested by anyone including the most influential and powerful politicians.

Everyone will be at the mercy of these heartless, greedy, selfish, liberal fascist narcissists, with secret, insane, diabolical agendas, that will surely not only negatively impact you but your sons and daughters as well. Your son Daniel, for example, leaving the house to go to school one day, only returning home with different genitalia, and who has now changed his name to Danielle. Or your daughter Patricia leaving the house one day going to school but only to return as Patrick with a lab-constructed non-functioning penis. Not to mention other equally insane and frightening but very realistic scenarios.

You would be a fool to yield that type of power to decent individuals, much less proven, corrupt, greedy, narcissistic individuals with no compassion, no heart, no conscience, no respect for God, no fear of God, or Godly wisdom. That would be tantamount to giving Satan all the tools and financial resources he needs to completely destroy you. Break them up or be broken up by them.

The Rumble CEO’s suggestion of decentralized payment options that these corrupt individuals can’t control or use to control American citizens appears to be a good idea on the surface. But make sure they are never able to control that currency. And if you think their empty promises that they will never do it again if given another chance carry any weight you are blind and foolish and deserve to have liberal fascist monsters ruling over you and forcing you to comply to insane, demonic, deranged views, perspectives, and agendas, that you would never normally conform to otherwise. These are not God- respecting or God-fearing individuals. And because of it, they don’t think there will be any accountability for their actions so they are much more likely and capable of doing evil of all kinds. The writing has been on the wall for decades, you mean to tell me you can’t see it?

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