But never sacrifice your morals or beliefs to acquire anything. God doesn’t recognize conformists and traitors but Satan certainly blesses the sell out. Material blessings can come from God and Satan. Let’s not forget Satan offered Christ all the kingdoms of the world to worship him. Luke 4:1-13.
Some will try to counter that by saying all good things come from God, which is true, but when Satan offers you something its always something physically and spiritually destructive wrapped in a shiny package.
In other words, it looks good but it will always require that you sacrifice your relationship with God and that can and will lead to sorrows both physically and spiritually and harsh judgment when you face God based on the seriousness of the sin. When Satan gives it to you it can never be classified as good because of what it will require of you. You know it’s not coming from God if it requires rebellion against God to get it. And congrats to your son by the way also, keep up the good work.