Listen: Holy Angels… Messengers Of God, Spiritual Terminators, Destroyers, And Assassins. 1 Chronicles Chapter 21.

The many inaccurate and deceptive representations regarding holy angels in Catholic Cathedrals, and on murials, paintings and the like, etc, can be very confusing and misleading. And the representations in many cases are that of infants with wings and such. But the truth of the matter is that is a gross misrepresentation of angels and they are nothing like the many false narratives that are created about them.

The truth of matter is angels are extremely powerful beings that are loving in many cases and fierce and protective of God’s earthly servants and are fiercely loyal to God. There are examples in scripture of angels destroying whole armies. Many know of the example of them delivering revelation from God to his servants but what most don’t know is how destructive they can be if given charge by God to punish evil so this is the side of angels we will focus on in this audio.

Everything that you have been taught about angels in relation
to who and what they are and how they operate I would advise you to dismiss it because the majority of the representations are completely false and don’t correlate or line up with what’s outlined in Gods word. Angels have the ability to manipulate the weather by causing droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.

They can bring plagues like diseases upon men, etc. In short, they can be very kind and loving but equally as dangerous and destructive when given charge by God to punish evil. There are examples of angels behaving in ways that are the complete opposite of how they are described by many ignorant individuals. We will examine Gods word to get a clear understanding of who and what angels are and what purpose they serve. Todays audio is entitled Holy Angels messengers of God and spiritual terminators, destroyers, and assassins.

I mistakenly said the verse about angels being ministering spirits was in Hebrews chapter 3 but that was a mistake it’s in Hebrews 1:14. I was speaking a little too fast I apologize if I confused anyone. And the reason lot was not afraid when he saw the angels was because the angels were in human form King David actually saw the destroying angel in its true form. He beheld its fierce countenance, when angels are angry their facial expressions can change just like men.

Listen: Holy Angels… Messengers Of God, Spiritual Terminators, Destroyers, And Assassins.

Some question why I didn’t use any new testament verses about angels destroying in this audio but I have covered that in articles like this below and felt many already knew that I had provided several verses in the new testament showing angels destroying by manipulating the weather as well as sending plagues of disease upon mankind. You can read it here.

How To Distinguish The Wrath Of God, From The Wrath Of Satan

One other thing that is important that I failed to mention in this audio is when the men of Sodom approached the angels to try to have sex with them because that is what they were trying to do, the Bible says both the old and young men of Sodom compassed them to try to rape them so obviously at this point the young children had been indoctrinated and obviously introduced to homosexual sex in the form of molestation so much so that they themselves were trying have sex with the angels also.