Category: Acknowledgements
Happy Belated Mothers Day.
The Food Looks Great.
I Appreciate What You Did.
I won’t go into detail nor will I mention you by name because I disagree with many things you do in terms
Thinking About You.
Woman I would have happily sent you roses for your birthday, since passed, if I had known where to send them. Who
I’m Going To Take Your Advice.
Because you keep relentlessly pushing the same message. You are either bat crap crazy and Satan is using you, or God is
Is That Your Long Term Goal In Life To Become A Beard? Open Your Eyes Woman. He’s Not The One. It’s Called Spiritual Discernment By The Way. Not Everyone Has It. Just The Truth.
And in that case you will be a beard on a beard. By the way, I have my reasons why I use
Be Patient.
If it’s meant to be by God I promise it will be worth the wait.