By the way, the plug and other device she’s talking about can result in you actually seeking out men for this kind of sexual stimulation. It can certainly act as a gateway to actual sex with multiple men. You can get so addicted to the perverse pleasure that you desire new and different forms of perverse pleasure and will go out seeking it from men and even women.
What she fails to understand is that this kind of sexual behavior can become very addictive and all-consuming because you are basically inviting demonic spirits of lust in to control you. Not to mention the addictive dopamine effect.
You can actually get to the point where you can’t go a day without being slutted out, as some men would say, and sexually violated by men in this way. You may gain a few moments of forbidden pleasure but your name and reputation will be wrecked for the rest of your life. Men talk, not as much as women obviously, but they do talk. And allowing yourself to be double penetrated by two men will spread like wildfire amongst men.
You can become so addicted to the behavior you will go to any lengths to satisfy it and in so doing essentially shred your reputation even more. Because the rumor of you having a train run on you by multiple men will spread like wildfire. It’s difficult for most men to establish a relationship with a woman who they know has had trains run on her.
Double penetration is a hard and high hurdle to overcome for most men. In terms of committing to a woman with that kind of sexual history. Most men would feel if you were allowing two men to double penetrate you what’s stopping you from sucking on a penis to complete the full triple entendre, if you have already comfortably and joyfully housed two whole penises together already, with a hankering for even more?
Most men know if you were double penetrated there are probably a few instances of triple penetrations on your resume as well. Which would give most men even more of a sinking feeling in their gut because they would be convinced they couldn’t trust you because you have no control over your sexual desires.
The Bible says a man or a woman who has no control over their spirit is like a city without walls. In other words, what’s being emphasized is anything or any influence can come in and corrupt and destroy the man or woman because they don’t know how to reject and resist those destructive, corrupting, temptations and influences. Proverbs 25:28.
And that puts men in a position where they could be hurt emotionally because of your promiscuity. So they are reluctant to get seriously involved. A man will definitely sleep with you but he will be mindful not to allow himself to get emotionally involved for fear of being betrayed and hurt himself. I would classify it as the purest example of self-sabotage/self-destruction. Over time it can crush you emotionally and destroy your peace of mind, reputation, etc.
And make it virtually impossible or very difficult at the very least to find a meaningful relationship in the future. And the more worthless you feel the more susceptible to the behavior you will be. When your sense of self-worth is destroyed (and conducting yourself like this being sexually abused and violated by men or women in this fashion will destroy your sense of self-worth) it makes you more susceptible to the urges of self-destructive behavior. Because you feel like nothing and worthless. So why should you care?
But that’s a strategy of the devil to keep you enslaved to sin and wallowing in guilt, misery, pain, and anguish. You are of great value to God and he wants to give you a glorious mind-boggling future, full of unspeakable joy, limitless power, eternal life, the wealth of the universe, positions of great rulership on earth, free of shame and guilt, etc, just by putting your trust in him by following what he commands in his word. Which produces happiness, joy, true freedom from the destructive clutches of sin, etc, and a name and future so great and so bright that it dwarfs that of earthly kings and princes.