In response to a claim of discrimination by a homosexual man Whole Foods provides video showing that same man purchasing the cake he claims contained a homosexual slur.The man claimed the cake had not been opened while showing a box that appeared to have the barcode on the side, but the first video above clearly shows the cashier scanning a barcode on top of the box.
The top of the box is also clearly see through. So, the questions is, why if the slur was on the cake (as he claims) did he buy the cake anyway, and not bring it to the attention of the cashier at that time?
The second video above clearly shows the man making the false claim, and as you can see it appears to be the same man with the same outfit. This is obviously and clearly another example of how this sexual deviant behavior cultivates twisted, ungodly behavior, which includes lying incessantly, and all the characteristics outlined in Romans 1:26-32, although this type of frequent, disturbing behavior, is rarely covered by the liberal mainstream media.
And what is equally as offensive and disturbing as his vicious lying, is his claim to be a representative of Christ while living completely contrary to the bible, in that he lies incessantly, and proudly engages in homosexual behavior while at the same time claiming to be a minister of Christ? Leviticus 18:22,Leviticus 20:13,Romans 1:26-32, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, 1 John 3:10, 2 Timothy 2:19.
AUSTIN, Texas — UPDATE: Whole Foods Market has filed a lawsuit against an openly-gay Austin pastor who says he received a cake from the company’s flagship store with a homophobic slur written on itfor $100,000 in damages.
In a YouTube video, Pastor Brown says he didn’t realize what it said until he got into his vehicle. In the video he shows the box containing the cake was still sealed. Brown says when he told store management what happened they said their employee did not do it and no action would be taken.
The company says that “after reviewing our security footage of Mr. Brown, it’s clear that the UPC label was in fact on top of the cake box, not on the side of the package. This is evident as the cashier scans the UPC code on top of the box,” countering Brown’s claim.
Whole Foods released the following statement Tuesday:
After a deeper investigation of Mr. Brown’s claim, we believe his accusations are fraudulent and we intend to take legal action against both Mr. Brown and his attorney. Here’s what we know:
Our bakery team member wrote “Love Wins” at the top of the cake, which was visible to Mr. Brown through the clear portion of the packaging. That’s exactly how the cake was packaged and sold at the store. Whole Foods Market has a strict policy that prohibits team members from accepting or designing bakery orders that include language or images that are offensive.
Mr. Brown admits that he was in sole possession and control of the cake until he posted his video, which showed the UPC label on the bottom and side of the box.
After reviewing our security footage of Mr. Brown, it’s clear that the UPC label was in fact on top of the cake box, not on the side of the package. This is evident as the cashier scans the UPC code on top of the box, which you can view here.
We stand behind our bakery team member, who is part of the LGBTQ community, and we appreciate the team members and shoppers who recognize that this claim is completely false and directly contradicts Whole Foods Market’s inclusive culture, which celebrates diversity.
Yours Truly, Whole Foods Market
Whole Foods also released security camera footage they say shows Brown purchasing the cake:
The company also filed a countersuit against Brown, asking for $100,000 in damages.