You’re out there turnt up intoxicated from what appears to be Tequila based on the way you are acting and in Atlanta of all places? You must like playing Russian Roulette with your life and physical Health? One of the disease capitals of the world but you’re out there turnt up amongst an enumerable company of infected bisexual/homosexual men and women? If I were you I would avoid Atlanta like the Ebola virus.
And you know what Tequila does to women in terms of sexual inhibitions. Those inhibitions go straight out the window when they get full of Tequila. But you want to turn up in Atlanta of all places? You look like two different kinds of people. I think you are not only struggling with empty nest syndrome and the real fear, sorrow, and stress that can cause, but possibly alcoholism as well. As well as other hidden personal issues that are eating at and troubling you.
Below is a book on Amazon I have read a bit for people who are dealing with the sense of loneliness that takes place when their grown children leave the nest. I would suggest you give it a read it can help you. I would also suggest that you get some help as it relates to what appears to be alcohol abuse on some level. Albeit, possibly, a functioning alcoholic. I know you’re a grown woman, but your behavior is concerning to me.
Seriously. And I don’t have to mention your name. You know who I’m talking about. Because as it presently stands based on the lack of self-control and undisciplined behavior I see, you may be headed for a crash. You need to read that book so you can get control of the situation. And look into the other issues as well. I’m seriously concerned about you. You probably also need some new friends. I’m praying for you.