This Is Why You Don’t Mess With Quija Boards Or Any Other Form Of Occultism.

Because when you do, you summon dark forces/demonic spirits, who despise humans because they know the future potential they have. Their sole objective is to destroy human beings forever. Physically and spiritually speaking that is. These foolish individuals probably think a few sessions of Quija board playing will be harmless, but they have now invited the demons into their homes.

They can probably expect strange occurrences and activity to start transpiring in the house. They will both also probably start experiencing serious and dangerous personality changes as the demons begin to influence and plague them.

I would advise anyone who is contemplating experimenting with these dark arts to avoid them like the Ebola virus. They can and will cause havoc in your life and they can also begin to seriously affect you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The young lady’s face even began to change and not soon after a coin flew into her father’s face and probably would have lodged in the man’s brain if the lense hadn’t stopped it. She appeared to be in a trance-like state as the demon began to powerfully influence her.

She appeared not to even know what had just transpired even though she saw the coin fly into her father’s eye. That’s a sign that something else had taken her over and she wasn’t even aware of it. Those demonic spirits are dangerous and nothing to play with.

And God promises to destroy all witches/sorcerers/anyone who is involved in occult practices when he judges them if they don’t repent/stop practicing it all together. Revelation 21:7-8. I’m not sure if this was authentic or not, but it appears to be, but demons and the occult are very real. And Ouija Boards and other forms of occultism are very, very, very, dangerous.