There’s been a lot of talk about unity from this administration but the kind of unity this ultra extreme, radical administration, is trying to push which is unity with and support of ungodly groups, individuals, and behaviors, will expedite the fall of the nation and is something the Bible powerfully condemns.
When the Bible speaks of a house not standing because its divided its talking about division in the context of one house standing for righteousness but being divided over an issue. Or one standing for evil but being divided over an issue. The unity that Christ was talking about is unity with righteousness and behind righteous causes not unity with evil because that will expedite the fall of the nation faster than being divided. Because what they practice will eventually begin to influence and corrupt you.
Participation is never far from acceptance. That’s why God tells us in his word the Bible that bad company corrupts good character and to separate ourselves from these kinds of individuals lest we be corrupted by them and destroyed with them. Not to associate with and unify with them. 1 Corinthians 10: 20-21, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Ephesians 5:10-13, Revelation 18:4-9.
And it really is getting to the point where it’s going have to be pro LGBTQ or anti LGBTQ the lines are drawn because the insanity they are trying to push on children and society is absolutely deranged and unacceptable. The nation and the world must unite behind the party or parties that are against the homosexual/pedophile agenda because if not you are going have a nation run by sexual deviant pedophiles who are salivating at the chance to do all the disgusting things to your children that their minds can conjure up.
And they will have passed laws that are pro pedophile because you will have foolishly allowed sexual deviants to secure absolute power and control. You see it in the woke, radical, educational system now and in the media, and entertainment industry, and now even at the Olympics of all places. As they work feverishly to brainwash your children into following the LGBTQ lifestyle. Through mass liberal left propaganda that encourages children to become transgender and get sex change operations as young as five years old that their parents wont even be able to interfere with.
They promote child sexual brainwashing in elementary schools teaching your children about homosexual sex as young as three years old. Not to mention mass illegal immigration that is transforming the landscape of the country and pushing blacks, latinos, and other minorities further down the social and economic ladder and undermining black influence and the power of the black vote while simultaneously destroying the economy.
We also now have inflation that has caused food prices to skyrocket making it difficult for average Americans to feed their families. Do I really need to continue? The question now is what the heck are you waiting for, you and your children’s physical and spiritual lives are at stake so what the heck are you as a nation and world community going to do about it?!
That’s the question. He‘s right, this is no longer about White or Black, Republican or Democrat, Christian or Muslim, Conservative or Democrat, Jew or Gentile, Jew or Palestinian, this is about right or wrong and life or death. It’s time to get behind the individuals or party that chooses life and order, over the party that chooses chaos and death. It’s that simple at this point. It’s simply time to choose. By the way, we need more guys like this guy in the video above who are not afraid to speak the truth and call things what they really are. It’s my job as a Prophet of God to warn you but it’s your job to take action to prevent the wrath of God from descending upon you. I can’t do it for you.
Deuteronomy 30:19 King James Version
19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: