Be careful who you post on your site they may turn into a crazy stalker-type individual even though you have never met them or held a conversation with them in your life. They may even go as far as making slick baseless innuendo when posting videos on their channel to make it appear like the person they are low-key stalking has actually been in their presence,
And that they know the person they’re stalking, and have damning information on the person they’re stalking even though they have never met the person or even talked to the person in person, by phone, or through any other form of communication.
And stalking can come in many forms, from simple, baseless verbal innuendo, and verbal insults, to physical stalking leading to physical abuse, etc. I don’t have any hard feelings towards her and I still wish the young lady success because I believe there is some value in her content.
But the low-key false baseless innuendo and slick dissing as a way to turn others off or against me I assume because she is paid to do it or because I haven’t expressed an interest in her probably because she is upset because she believes she is so beautiful that any man should automatically swoon over her is just weird, disturbing, unacceptable, immature, and childish.