Why Did You Take Your Post Down About The Booty Bandit That Was Hilarious?

Donald Bohanon: Out of respect for God and his word. I’m never intimidated by any man but I have to fear and respect God. I promised God I would try to tone the humor down as a way to honor and respect him. Although I don’t think it was offensive because it was based in truth. Explosive diarrhea would certainly be a deterrent for anyone contemplating having anal sex with a man.

So it was chock full of truth in that regard. But I also need to be mindful of how God views it. So I’m trying to tone it down a bit. It’s about fearing God in all things. It has nothing to do with fearing men that’s laughable to me.

The man who wasn’t led by the holy spirit and the fear of God years ago the way I am today probably would intentionally set out to offend the bandit if I didn’t like him hoping he would do something to give me a reason to test the heart he claims to have and bust him up. To show him he is not who he thinks he is.

I have never cared for individuals who try to make themselves out to be the toughest individuals walking on earth they are usually the weakest. The loudest ones who are always running their mouths boasting about how tough they are, are usually the weakest ones.

And if they have been in the prison system they are probably hiding something they don’t want you to know about and are probably using all the bravado and machismo as a diversionary tactic to mask the sexual trauma they have suffered in the penal system probably at the hands of other inmates..

I have never liked liars, instigators, antagonists, bullies, and predators/perverts. But the man I am today is a lot different and fears God greatly. So that man, the man who fears God, and not men, chose to take it down.