Month: November 2023
Some Of My Thoughts About Issues That May Be On The Minds Of Some People.
1. Almonds are full of vitamin e so they are a better choice than peanuts. 2. I would never swipe my palm to pay for anything or get in the habit of doing it because you are being trained/conditioned to accept the mark of the beast and it’s all over if you do that. Only…
Disney Disaster Week: Bob Iger Faces Kathleen Kennedy, Marvel, Pablo Hidalgo and Hulu Nightmares!
Q&A: Do A Woman Have To Agree With Everything You Teach For You To Be Interested In Her?
Question: Do A Woman Have To Agree With Everything You Teach For You To Be Interested In Her? Donald Bohanon: People who reject clear, obvious, and proven truth, I have little tolerance for because it shows me who they really are. A person who rejects the truth loves lies and that person will promote lies…
The Way: Part 1 – What is the Christian Message?
This Machine Is Incredible And Will Transform Your Legs Into Pillars Of Muscle.
This machine is incredible it’s designed to isolate the frontal thigh muscles for a more targeted muscle workout. It works the whole thigh muscle but puts more stress on the frontal thigh. I discovered this machine at a golds gym years ago while residing in another state. I tried it and loved it because of…
‘1000 Litres…’: Hamas Steals Gaza Hospital Fuel; Israel Releases Intercepted Call.
It’s Now Been Established That 1400 Innocent Israeli Civilians Were Massacred By Hamas.
Peace, Or The Extinction Of Israel, What Do You Really Want?
U.S. Migrant Crisis: 5,000 March Toward The Border In The BIGGEST Caravan Of Undocumented Immigrants In More Than A Year Amid Delays At Immigration Centers In Mexico.
About 5,000 migrants are currently traveling by foot in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas in hopes of reaching the United States border The group departed Monday from the Chiapas city of Tapachula, which borders Guatemala, where they grew tired of waiting for refugee and visa approval It’s believed to be the largest caravan since…