Question: Do You Have To Be Wealthy Or Employed To Lead Others To Repentance? Donald Bohanon: Was Jesus Christ wealthy? Was Moses employed? How about the apostle Peter was he wealthy? What about Elijah the prophet was he wealthy or employed? Although some of the individuals mentioned above had jobs initially, they abandoned all of…
Month: April 2022
Is Political Corruption Deeply Interwoven Into Every Facet Of American Government? Isaiah 1:5-7
Watch the latest video at The verses in Isaiah 1: 5-7 are describing the spiritual/moral condition of America. As well as the resulting punishment that’s coming if they don’t repent which is emphasized in verse seven. The reference to the heart being faint is God talking about how perverse and corrupted the moral foundation…
You Ask Why They Are Targeting Children?: I Have Been Sounding This Alarm For Decades And The Q&A Below Outlines Just One Of The Primary Reasons They Are Targeting Children. Not To Mention The Fact That They Just Want To Have Homosexual/Pedophile Sex With The Children As Well.
Watch the latest video at Watch the latest video at Related Information. Why Do You Demonize Gays And Ostracize Them When Many Of Them Are Talented And Educated People Who Can Contribute To Society?
Is Mass Illegal Immigration Another Way To Covertly Subvert And Destroy America And Democracy?
Black Hotel Clerk Gets Arrested After Calling Police On White Drunk And Disorderly Hotel Guest. Police Also Lie About The Details Concerning The Incident.
Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Leniency On Child Predators Has Had Devastating Consequences.
Child rapist molested SECOND victim after Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson gave him lax sentence for failing to register as sex offender Ketanji Brown Jackson has been nominated to the Supreme Court and would be the first black woman to sit on the bench She has faced repeated questions from Republicans about her sentencing…
Romans 1:18-32: Homosexuality, Bisexuality, Transgenderism, Pedophilia, Lesbianism, It’s All The Same Corrupting Destructive Sexual Perversion With The Same Goal Of Brainwashing And Molesting Children Just With Different Titles And In Some Cases Different Sexes.
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