Question: Why Aren’t You Married? Donald Bohanon: Because the Bible says be not unequally yoked with the unbeliever. I’m not marrying a woman simply because she’s beautiful, wealthy, smart, etc, if her beliefs don’t line up with mine. Because I know that will never work. And will present a number of obstacles. Now…
Month: June 2020
An Interview With Attorney General William Barr.
Q&A: Do You Write All Of Your Content?
Question: Do You Write All Of Your Content? Donald Bohanon: I’m sure I’ve answered this question once before. But let me answer it again. No one writes my content for me I write every last word of all of my content. No one has ever contributed even one letter, thought, or suggestion, to my views and…
Joe Biden Actually Referred To Black Youth As Predators Who Needed To Serve Extensive Prison Time When Pushing His Crime Bill Which Eventually Resulted In Mass Incarceration Of Blacks.
Is The Radical Liberal Left Working To Remove The Checks And Balances That Prevent Violence Chaos And Anarchy So They Can Advance Chaos And Anarchy?
What’s Fueling A Worldwide Resentment And Hatred Of Black People?
By Donald Bohanon I have heard many black people over the last few days as a result of George Floyd’s death ask the question “why do so many people hate us?” And that’s a fair question. But the answer is so obvious and is staring you right in the face. The…