Month: February 2019
Q&A:You Seem To Be Harboring Bitterness In Your Heart For Homosexuals Because As You Said They Falsely Accused You.But The Bible Says You Must Forgive.Why Is It So Hard For You To Forgive?
Question: You Seem To Be Harboring Bitterness In Your Heart For Homosexuals Because As You Said They Falsely Accused You.But The Bible Says You Must Forgive.Why Is It So Hard For You To Forgive? Donald Bohanon:I’ve had two people very close to me murdered by gun violence several years ago and I’ve forgiven the perpetrators for…
An Interesting And Truthful Commentary About The “Jussie Smollett” Hoax And Other Topics.
Coast Guard Officer Accused Of Plotting Terror Attack.
Stupendous Lies Exposed:Openly Homosexual Actor Arrested And Charged For Filing A False Hate Crimes Report.
By Donald Bohanon Added Febuary 21,2019 From the outset I felt strongly he was lying but refrained from commenting until all the facts came out.Primarily because of what God’s word says about how diabolical these individuals are,because of a corrupt and perverted spiritual condition,as well as based on my own observations…
Caught Lying Like A Rug: Openly Homosexual Actor Is Charged With Filing A False Outrageous Hate Crimes Report When His Obvious Lie Begins To Completely Fall Apart.
I will be commenting on this in more detail when all the facts come out. Romans 1:26-32 26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error…
Very Interesting:The Real Mount Sinai?
Although I don’t agree with all the information contained in this video I find the theory interesting considering much of the information lines up with biblical accounts of the Red Sea crossing .With the exception of the location the crossing took place.Their theory of where the crossing took place doesn’t line up with scripture so…
Young Man Sentenced To 135 Years In Prison Has A Serious Message For Young Misguided Youth And Young Men In General…(WARNING STRONG LANGUAGE!)
New Zombie Deer Disease Spreading Could Possibly Infect Humans.
Hunters Killing Zombie Deer To Prevent The Spread Of The Disease.
Virginia Governor Sits Down With Gayle King To Talk About The Black Face Controversy.
I’ve watched a few of Gayle King’s interviews.She’s a good interviewer and is always so smooth,calculating and patient in her questioning,when trying to get to the truth and get the interviewee to see the error of their ways and look at the issue from a different perspective. Although I don’t necessarily agree…