Month: December 2016
Police: 8 Boys Accused Minnesota Teacher Aric Babbitt & His Husband Of Abuse.
SOUTH ST. PAUL, Minn. — Police documents allege a Minnesota elementary school teacher and his husband had sexual contact with eight underage boys over several years. South St. Paul police released the documents this week following a four-month investigation into teacher Aric Babbitt and his husband, Matthew Deyo. The couple was…
Man Takes The Coat Off His Back And Gives It To An Old Homeless Woman To Help Keep Her Warm And Protect Her From The Cold And Rain.
5 Problems With C.I.A. Claim That Russia Hacked DNC & Podesta Emails.
Russian Ambassador “Andrey Karlov” Assassinated On Live Television.
Another Terror Attack In Berlin Germany?
Dylan Roof Found Guilty.
Loretta Lynch: We Didn’t See Any Technical Interference In The Election.
Julian Assange Of Wikileaks Emphatically States That Russia Was Not The Source Of DNC Hacking.
Stop Whining Donald Trump: Before The Election Results President Obama Says The U.S. Election Process Shouldn’t Be Questioned And Can’t Be Rigged.
The same President who told Donald Trump to stop whining and crying, and that the election process should be accepted and respected and cant be rigged, is now crying and whining and claiming the election process can be rigged and is rigged. Am I the only one who sees the blatant, profound, hypocrisy here?