Month: March 2014
Ascension To Heaven Or Resurrection To Judgment?
All Audios And Content Are The Property Of Donald Bohanon And Are Not To Copied Or Reproduced In Any Way. To listen to audios just click the link. To save audios to desktop and listen, just right-click on audio link and choose save link as, or save file as. You must have Windows media player…
Isaiah 13:4-6 – The Lord Of Hosts Mustereth The Host Of The Battle.
Russia has been covered in news headlines quite a bit as of late, based on its recent annexation of Crimea a part of Ukraine. Many politicians and world leaders view the Russian move as a prelude to world war and world domination. But is it really? Is this move by Russia the beginning of…
How To Create A Socialist State.
Saul Alinsky President Barack Obama HOW TO CREATE A SOCIALIST STATE by Saul Alinsky [Saul David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 – June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing. He is often noted for his book Rules for…