By Lettice Bromovsky Published: 05:10 EDT, 12 October 2024 | Updated: 09:01 EDT, 12 October 2024 This is the sickening moment a woman who murdered her parents before living with them for four years reveals to police where she hid their bodies. Virginia McCullough, 36, was arrested for poisoning John, 70, with prescription medication before stabbing Lois, 71, at their home…
Wow. Technology Is Advancing At Rapid Speed.
I See You.
I see you, the food always looks amazing. I’m praying for you. I am going to be honest with you, you stay on my mind in way that makes me kind of uncomfortable because I’m not really accustomed to it especially based on these circumstances with very limited contact right now. The things about you…
Q&A: In Your Most Recent Audio You Claimed Humans Will Become Gods Does That Apply To All Humans?
Question: In Your Most Recent Audio You Claimed Humans Will Become Gods Does That Apply To All Humans? Donald Bohanon: No. The Bible makes it clear that the wicked/ungodly/ the haters of God will be destroyed when judged and in God’s coming punishment on a sinful world. Psalms 21:8-9, Psalms 92:6-7, Malachi 4:1-6, Titus 1:16,…
You’re Chasing A Mirage.
You will never find the love, loyalty, honesty, respect, connection, commitment, passion, integrity, etc, anywhere else than in a truly righteous man. The truth of the matter is it just doesn’t exist in Satan’s world. Maybe only sparsely. And especially not in this present generation. And in most cases when trying to find it in…
Private Equity’s Ruthless Takeover Of The Last Affordable Housing In America.
I Have Been Busy Getting This Book Ready.
There’s a lot of stuff involved that has a learning curve so that is contributing to the delay but It should be launching in about a week or so. It’s a self-help book. I’m working to get things to where they need to be before I pop out. A man won’t be comfortable moving forward…
Matthew 5:7: Chick Seen A Homeless Man Struggling Outside And Decided To Do This.
Angelic Activity?: A Security Guard Seen On CCTV Welcoming An Invisible Guest At 3AM!
Angels can transform themselves into human form and make themselves visible to some and invisible to others simultaneously. I briefly touched on this in the audio ‘Holy Angels, Messengers Of God, And Spiritual Terminators, Destroyers, And Assassins’. The man was obviously entertaining someone or something that was in human form.