Is The Promotion And Practicing Of Incest On The Rise?

By Donald Bohanon posted 4/11/23

You better believe it. They will most certainly eventually begin promoting incest in movies, commercials, etc. They are actually doing it now but in a more subtle way. They will eventually ramp it up over time as they have with the promotion of every other form of sexual perversion until it’s accepted and widely viewed as normal behavior.

Their goal is to completely corrupt all societies as their lusts and greed guide them and as they are being led by Satan as he uses their lusts and greed to control them. I have said repeatedly for some time now that once you legalize one form of sexual perversion you will eventually have to accept and legalize every form of sexual perversion.

Many sexually perverted individuals in positions of power and authority in different industries are working behind the scenes promoting these different forms of perverted sexual behavior as a way to soften the negative appearance of homosexuality, lesbianism, and bisexuality, etc. I touch on this in a previous post I did about Bernie Sanders years ago.

In other words, if they can create a society where everything goes like for instance, engaging in bestiality, incest, and other more offensive forms of sexual perversion then homosexuality after a while doesn’t seem as repulsive. This is one of the goals. But make no mistake about it homosexual lesbian and bisexual behavior, etc, are equally as disgusting in God’s eyes and are the catalyst for all these other twisted perverted forms of sexual behavior that are being introduced.

It only gets progressively worse when you remove God’s established boundaries for proper sexual behavior. When you do that you essentially create an environment where all rules for proper sexual behavior are removed which naturally creates an environment and atmosphere of sexual and immoral chaos and anarchy.

It is no different than when you remove physical laws that govern men in societies. The end result is mass chaos, social and civil unrest, and eventually destruction if it’s not reigned in. That is clearly playing itself out here in the U.S. now. That is further compounded when you consider the very profound spiritual aspect of demonic influence which takes root the further you separate yourselves from God.

A Godless society produces the opposite of a God-inspired and led society which is a Satanic society. Once you remove God there is no way to get around that reality and the reality of rapid and drastic moral decline. History has proven this over and over again but more importantly, it’s outlined in God’s word.

There is a spiritual element that operates in societies that acts like a type of spiritual glue that holds everything together. Remove that spiritual glue which is God and his word and the whole thing falls apart.

You see the reality of that being manifested practically every day in American society. And it has resulted in the fall of great empires and societies throughout history. And unfortunately, if drastic measures aren’t taken to change it, it will only get much worse until God feels he has no choice but to shut it all down in a very destructive fashion.

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