Featured:Sexual Liberation & Sexual Freedom,Or Sexual Addiction ….Which Is It?…James 1:14-15.



Sexually liberate yourselves by engaging in destructive,infectious,perverted,sexually addictive behavior is the prevailing theme in today’s society, and is what’s being promoted as liberation and freedom to this wayward and confused generation.


In a time when sexual promiscuity and sexual liberty is being promoted as the new sexual freedom. Why is it that the same perverted lifestyles that are being promoted as the new form of sexual freedom and liberty, are in fact,according to God’s word,enslaving and shackling those that practice those same lifestyles and behaviors?


The truth of the matter is many prominent homosexuals and lesbians have labeled the same sexual practices they themselves promote and practice, as very addictive, corrupting and enslaving.


But yet the corrupt liberal media, and the radical liberal left, are hellbent on promoting these same corrupting enslaving lifestyles as beneficial and wholesome, and a societal, physical and spiritual progression, as opposed to a societal, physical and spiritual regression.


Which in reality is what it really is. Those corrupt and perverse individuals who are enslaved by these same perversions tell us to embrace the same things they themselves are enslaved by, while calling those same corrupting,enslaving and addictive behaviors, sexual freedom and liberty.


They tell society to embrace these addictive, corrupting behaviors, while deceptively and dishonestly referring to those same addictive corrupting behaviors as liberty and freedom. But this is how Satan operates, coming as a wolf in sheep’s clothing while promoting addictive,corrupting and destructive behaviors, as wholesome and beneficial.


With the sole objective being to destroy men and women both physically and spiritually by promoting these very destructive behaviors.These perverse groups and individuals tell us to embrace these destructive lifestyles, while touting them as a form of liberty.


But God and his word commands us to flee these behaviors and lifestyles and warns us they are not liberating at all,but in reality  are very addictive,corrupting and shackling,destructive and enslaving.


Let’s examine God’s word to find out how he feels about lust in all its corrupting, shackling and destructive forms, and why he commands and instructs us to flee from and avoid these very destructive,corrupting and enslaving behaviors at all costs, for our physical and spiritual benefit.


I make the statement in this audio that anyone who teaches that all men will be saved is a deceiver but that’s not to suggest the true Churches of God who teach God’s doctrines are deceivers,but just simply wrong (as is supported by scripture) as it relates to this particular issue and or point of doctrine.

Listen: Sexual Liberation & Sexual Freedom…Or Sexual Addiction Which Is It?

Created and uploaded ..Sunday  June 18,2017.



James 1:14-15
King James Version (KJV)

14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.




2 Peter 1:3-4
King James Version (KJV)

3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.



Homosexuality,lesbianism,bisexuality,transgenderism, etc,are equal opportunity, perverting, corrupters.No one who engages in the behavior is immune or exempt from it’s profound,corrupting, perverting,destructive shackles and affects.