Month: July 2023
How Modern Women Are Raising The Next Generation.
Ron Desantis Weighs In On On Bud Lights Corporate Woke Agenda.
Watch the latest video at
The Strategic And Calculated Sexual Indoctrination And Sexual Mutilation Of Children Into Sexual Perversion In Their Adolescent Years.
Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine, who is transgender, said that transgender minors may go through ‘the wrong puberty’ The comment was made in the context of advocating for gender-affirming care for individuals below the age of 13 Levine has previously underscored the Biden administration’s support for gender-affirming care for minors By SOPHIE MANN FOR DAILYMAIL.COM…
Daily Mail If You Want Me To Keep Posting Articles Shorten Those Loooong Articles So I Can Post Them Quicker And More Efficiently.
Hasty Decisions Never Turn Out Right.
Making hasty decisions normally results in outcomes that you eventually regret. Particularly as it relates to relationships. Always proceed with caution particularly in this day and age when lies and deception run rampant. And Atlanta despite its beautiful homes and women and the like, in my opinion, is Satan’s anus in terms of its moral…